Which Halloween Horror Nights House Is The Scariest?

Hey Thrill Seekers,

I have literally just touched downtown from three amazing days in Orlando as I battle against jet lag I thought it might be an opportune moment to write a little something about my first visit to Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights, Florida’s number one scare event.

My group and I got to the park (Universal Studios) at around six pm, we stayed at the brilliantly themed Cabana Bay Hotel which offers free shuttle bus transfers straight to CityWalk. We were very lucky to have arranged for us a V.I.P tour which is cleverly renamed R.I.P tour for Halloween Horror Nights, these tours are available to anyone and can be purchased directly from the park after you’ve bought your admission tickets.

We started off the tour by watching the very entertaining Bill & Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure a very funny and naughty show which takes a shot at the celeb culture we live in and some cheeky wristband gags at the expense of a nearby mouse. After we’d had a good laugh it was time to head to House number 1, Aliens Vs Predator.

To get there we had to walk through a couple of scare zones. Scare Zones are areas of the park that are sectioned off and themed. You can tell you’re entering a Scare Zone not only by the signs but also the lighting, it becomes eerily darker. The first Scare Zone we walked through was Face Off, based on the U.S. reality series. As you walk through the crowds in each scare zone random creatures will jump out at you.

An OAT tip is don’t let the creatures spot you taking a photo, the amount of times I took a photo of one Face Off masterpiece only to turn around and have the bejesus scared out of me by a waiting fiend easily hit double figures.

The second Scare Zone we walked through was Bayou of Blood, based around New Orleans Cannibals, this area offered loads of jumps and I was happy to get through it, now on to the houses…

Aliens Vs Predator 

The attention to detail in this house was amazing, aliens busting out of everywhere and the crazily tall and intimidating Predator made me want to run through the excellently designed spaceship. We made our way around in single file not knowing what to expect. For our first house it set the tone perfectly.


Dusk ’til Dawn

A sexy, terrifying house full of lap dancing Vampires. Made me jump a few times as we walked through the Twister Bar and into the Vampires home.  I didn’t find this one particular scary but it was indeed a feast to behold.

dusk til dawn

Dracula Untold

Based on Universal’s new film, Dracula Untold tells the story of Vlad the Impaler and how he came to be the Legend that is Dracula. Walking through the house you find yourself in a medieval village full of dark alley ways where monsters dwell. Quite a few jumps in this one also.


The Walking Dead

Very close to being the scariest house at Halloween Horror Nights. Based on the popular comic book and TV series this house was easily the biggest featuring over 50 cast members (zombies) and double the normal amount of rooms to walk through.

The scare actors produced some excellent performances and the addition of some full on strobe lighting make this house at total screamfest. At one point you have to walk through a room packed with Zombies all of which are evading your personal space… my fight or flight instinct was turned to full on FLIGHT!

walking dead house

Dollhouse of the Damned

I might have mentioned to our RIP guide before we set off that the idea of this house gave me the heebie jeebies and so being the kind soul she was she made me lead the group through this house.

This house freaked me out, it still isn’t top of my list but it put me on edge. The thing that stuck out most for me was the giant babies and the smell of baby powder…. weird.



By far the most scary house at HHN24… the house was a walk through of the original film and featured multiple Michael Myers! At one point you have to walk through a narrow corridor with 4 Michael Myers’s standing in row. You instinctively know that 1 of the 4 is real, the other 3 are just manikins but which is it… I swear they all know when they’re just leaving your peripheral vision before they make their move!

If there hadn’t been people in front of me I may well have run through the entire house just to escape!


We finished off our tour walking through the Purge scarezone full of chainsaw wielding maniacs and a human auction again acted superbly by the Universal scare actors.



My first taste of Halloween Horror Nights left me thirsting for more. A brilliant experience and one I would wholly recommend but only if your over 13…

A big thank you to Universal for inviting me, I’ll never be the same 🙂

Screams well and truly included…




What’s It Like To Visit A Halloween Horror Nights House On Your Own

Hey Thrill Seekers,

So Halloween Horror Nights 24 has begun!

I’m not really one for scary films but when you watch them you can almost tell what’s going to happen from the music and the angle you’re looking at it from. I remember watching some scary films when I was younger and getting really angry at the people in the films for not turning around or for running the wrong way! I never thought about what I would do in that situation! Halloween Horror Nights puts you in that situation and it’s up to you to decide which way you go!

In the video below, Michelle a Universal employee makes her little sister Melissa brave Halloween Horror Nights all on her own! No thank you!

Right from the start you can see how realistic it is. Imagine this being your actual house! Brrr..gives me the shivers!  Even just the lighting makes you scared. I know I’d definitely be cowering,  ready to scream before I even stepped foot in there!

Halloween Horror Nights tickets can be purchased from Orlando Attraction Tickets at start from as little as £54.00.

Screams Included…



Interview With Gavin Boswell Before He Visits Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights

Hey Thrill Seekers,

The first of the Halloween Horror Nights is just around the corner and I’m anxious to read this years reviews revealing what ghoulish surprises the HHN24 team have conjured up this year.

As per last year we’ve been lucky enough to be invited along to experience the night and of course have the bejesus scared out of us. This year our CEO Gavin Boswell is one of the lucky/unlucky (depends how you view it) ones to visit Universal first hand. I managed to grab some of his time today to gauge how he was feeling about his upcoming adventure.


ME: Hi Gavin, thanks very much for sparing the time for a quick chat for the blog, its much appreciated as I know how busy you are at the moment. So to kick off, are you a fan of the Horror genre?

GAVIN: Yep definitely, I love horror films. I have very vivid memories of sneakily watching “Halloween” when I was far too young and being scared out of my mind.

ME: What are you expecting from HHN?

GAVIN: I’m expecting to jump a lot, I’m expecting to lose man points by the dozen and I’m expecting myself to scream in a very high pitched voice. Obviously I’ve read up on the houses and street experiences via your blog Jamie so I’m prepared…. but I’m not sure that actually helps.

ME: Do you think you’ll actually scream?

GAVIN: Nah! I wouldn’t be surprised if I did but I’m sure if I keep my eyes firmly closed I’ll make it through unscathed.

ME: After reading about all the different houses, which houses are you, scared of the most, excited about the most and feel you might not be able to do?

GAVIN: Scared of the most; Halloween, its the plinky music thats chilling and as I mentioned earlier I don’t think it helps that it scared me a lot as a kid.

Excited about the most; I really like the original IP’s that the guys and girls at Universal think up. Last year I had the privilege to speak to Mike Aiello Creative Director for HHN24 at Universal and his enthusiasm for all things scary bordered on creepy so imagine what they’ll come up with when let loose!

Feel you might not be able to do; Oh I’ll do them all. Not because I’m brave but more that I’d never live it down if I didn’t.

ME: Who would be your idea HHN companion?

GAVIN: Tricky, I think I’d rather do it alone to be honest. That way I can scream, cry and run as much as I want.

ME: If you could design your own house which Horror film would it be based on?

GAVIN: Oooh good question. I’ve recently got into American Horror Story a U.S. TV series. Season 1 was set in a haunted house and season 2 in a mental asylum either of these would make an awesome house.

ME: Apart from HHN what other parts of Universal are you looking forward to seeing?

GAVIN: Diagon Alley! I missed out on the opening this year due to a bad back. So I’m desperate to get there. To be honest I love both the Universal parks so I’m always excited to visit them.

Gavin has promised me a full review of Halloween Horror Nights on his return and knowing him we’ll have plenty of photos too.

You can still purchase Halloween Horror Nights Tickets from Orlando Attraction Tickets if you’re brave enough.

Kind regards,




Universal Releases It’s First Halloween Horror Nights 24 Advert

Hey Thrill Seekers,

Aaaaaaaaagh! etc….

Universal yesterday at 6pm released this years HHN24 TV advert featuring Zombies similar to those seen on The Walking Dead.

This years Halloween Horror Nights features;


  • Halloween
  • The Walking Dead: End of the Line
  • AVP: Aliens vs Predator
  • From Dusk til Dawn
  • Dracula Untold: Reign of Blood
  • Dollhouse of the Damned
  • Giggles & Gore Inc.
  • Roanoke – Cannibal Colony


  • The Purge: Anarchy 
  • Face Off: In the flesh
  • Bayou of Blood
  • MASKerade: Unstitched


  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure

Plus many rides available to ride in the dark!

Here’s the Video;

You can purchase tickets for Halloween Horror Nights at Orlando Attraction Tickets. We currently offer the 2 Park Universal Bonus Halloween Horror Nights Ticket at £147 per person and the Halloween Horror Nights Frequent Fear Pass at £54 per person.

Screams included…



Orlando Attraction Tickets Picks Its Scariest Halloween Horror Nights 24 Houses

Hey Thrill Seekers,

Universal Orlando completed their announcements for this years Halloween Horror Nights yesterday with the announcement that Michael Myers will be making a very scary appearance this year with a dedicated Halloween house and with the line up complete it got us talking at Orlando Attraction Tickets HQ which house will be the scariest!

Here’s what some of the guys thought;

Karl Hendrie, CTO of Orlando Attraction Tickets

Karl very quickly picked Halloween, I’m pretty sure he shivered when he said it!

Its definitely got to be Halloween! I remember sneakily watching the film when I was a kid and it scared the bejesus out of me. Michael Myers is up there with Freddy Krueger and Jason for me.  I also vividly remember the music being quite sinister as well… Yep Halloween would definitely be the house I would avoid.


Gavin Boswell, CEO of Orlando Attraction Tickets

Gavin immediately picked Halloween but when I mentioned Karl had also picked that he changed his mind and selected Aliens Vs Predator.

Although the films weren’t necessarily scary the idea of a dedicated house full of Aliens and Predators has the ingredients to be full of jumps. Imagine walking around a darkened room only to be surprised by a fully grown Alien! Oooh I scared myself there…


Louise Davis, Reservations Agent Orlando Attraction Tickets

Louise is new to Orlando Attractions Tickets and so has been reading quite a bit about what the theme parks have to offer, as Halloween Horror Nights has been quite prominent she’s become quite knowledgeable about the event and what each house and scare zones will entail.

Although its not really popular in the UK I think the Face Off scare zones will be terrifying. The image of the pumpkin headed monster is really creepy. The make up artists working on it are all really talented and have a passion for scaring!



Rachel Smith, Team Leader Orlando Attraction Tickets

Halloween Horror Nights is something that Rachel is dying to experience, shes a fan of horror generally and loves Universal.

The Walking Dead Scare Zone back for its third appearance at Halloween Horror Nights must be scary or Universal wouldn’t keep bringing it back! Plus Zombies are everywhere at the moment!!!

walking dead house

Kelly Morris, Customer Services Orlando Attraction Tickets

Out of all the people who work here Kelly would be the person I’d love to see at HHN24 she would literally scream the place down 🙂

The scariest one for me would be The Purge: Anarchy. The Purge, for me, feels like one that could actually be true and thats what makes it scary…


Jamie Thomas, Social Media Guru Orlando Attraction Tickets

Yep me. I’ve been writing about Halloween Horror Nights for the last 2 years without ever going 🙁 (poor me) What I have learnt though is that the scariest houses tend to be Universal’s own original content. The guys and girls who work specifically on Halloween Horror Nights are some twisted individuals and when let loose to create they rarely let us down.

With that in mind my choice of scariest house is Giggles & Gore Inc! Everybody knows clowns are scary… imagine a house full of them!!! No thank you…

IMG_0065.JPGWhich house do you think will be the scariest?

hhn24 scariestYou can still purchase Halloween Horror Nights tickets from Orlando Attraction Tickets if you’re brave enough!

Screams included…





Halloween Horror Nights Reveals Halloween House

Hey Thrill Seekers,

As we head toward September and the start of Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights we’re beginning to get a very good sense of what can be expected. Last night Universal announced their final house and it has all the elements to be a cracker!

Is there another film franchise that optimises the theme more than Halloween? For anyone not familiar with the story, Halloween tells the tale of fictional Midwestern town of Haddonfield, Illinois. On Halloween night in 1963, a six-year-old Michael Myers murders his older sister by stabbing her with a kitchen knife. Fifteen years later, he escapes from a psychiatric hospital, returns home, and stalks teenager Laurie Strode and her friends. Michael’s psychiatrist Dr. Sam Loomis suspects Michael’s intentions, and follows him to Haddonfield to try to prevent him from killing.

The original film was made for $325,000.00 and grossed $70 Million Worldwide! The film is known for the iconic figure of Michael Myers and the eerie music that played throughout the film.

halloween-movieUniversal wrote via their blog,

“The Shape” will be lurking around every corner in the Halloween house. The theme music will be blaring through every inch of Haddonfield, Illinois. And you’ll now be able to witness, in real life, “The night He came home”.

“The Shape” was the term used to describe Michael Myers. To accompany the announcement Universal also released this video.

Halloween Horror Nights looks like an event not to miss. You can purchase Halloween Horror Nights Tickets directly from Orlando Attraction Tickets where you’ll be able to sample not only Halloween but also The Walking Dead, From Dusk til Dawn and Aliens Vs Predator to name just a few.

Screams included…



Dracula Untold: Reign Of Blood To Feature At Halloween Horror Nights

Hey Thrill Seekers,

Halloween Horror Nights starts in just over a month and it looks like Universal are really beginning to crank up the reveals. So far Universal have officially confirmed The Walking Dead, The Purge: Anarchy, Face Off, From Dusk til Dawn and Aliens Vs Predator. 


Today Universal confirmed the next house will be based on Dracula Untold a film set to hit screens later this year starring Welsh actor Luke Evans. From what we understand visitors will be taken through the various stages of what made Vlad the Impaler become Dracula.

As you enter the house, you’ll see firsthand the frightening cave that Dracula first emerged from on his path to damnation. The house becomes especially eerie as you progress through a destroyed village and into the woods on the way to Dracula’s foreboding castle. In the final scene, you’ll come face-to-face with Dracula’s victims: those who were impaled  and who begged to be saved before he took their last breath.

Each turn in this new house presents a horrifying experience straight out of the movie, including the war between Dracula and the attacking Turks. Dracula is here, and his thirst for blood is never-ending.

If ever a character was made for Halloween Horror Nights its has to be Dracula! You can purchase your Halloween Horror Night Tickets at Orlando Attraction Tickets if you’re brave enough!

Screams Included…



Halloween Horror Nights Reveals Alien Vs Predator For HHN24

Hey Thrill Seekers,

“Get to the choppa!!!!”….

Just one of the cracking lines from one of my favourite ever Arnie films, Predator and it appears Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights also likes part of that film too. Today they’ve announced the next big scare at HHN24 will be a house dedicated to the classic Aliens Vs Predator films!

avpFrom what we understand the premise is that while visiting a government facility you (the guest) will find yourself in the middle of a conflict between the classic tongue wieding Aliens and the dreadlocked crab faced Predators.

Navigate the egg nursery where facehuggers may hatch at any moment. Witness the brutality of a Predator as it rips the spine from its victim. Discover a room of lifeless bodies with their chests ripped open indicating signs of recent Alien births. Feel the fear of fully-grown Aliens lurking in dark crevasses waiting to lunge at you when you least expect it. And try to keep an eye out for camouflaged Predators who may have made YOU their next target.  Enter the raging battle, but remember… whoever wins, we lose.

Aliens Vs Predator joins The Purge: Anarchy, From Dusk til Dawn, Face Off and the Walking Dead as confirmed attractions at this years Halloween Horror Nights. You can purchase Halloween Horror Night Tickets from Orlando Attraction Tickets from as little as £54.00.

Does Aliens Vs Predator send a chill through your spine?

Screams included…



Universal Halloween Horror Nights Announce The Purge: Anarchy

Hey Thrill Seekers,

With Universal Studios releasing a follow up to surprise hit The Purge this year its of no surprise that last night Halloween Horror Nights announced that this year one of its scare zones will indeed feature The Purge.

For those of you unfamiliar with the story of the Purge let me quickly explain it, set in the near future, society has determined that for one night of the year all laws will be paused… anything goes.

Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours…


Lora Wallace, Show Director for the street experiences at Halloween Horror Nights revealed details last night, she stated that the scare-zone will combine both the first movie and the new movie, so you’ll be brought face-to-face with the iconic masked characters from both films.

The Purge now joins the Walking Dead, Face Off and From Dusk til Dawn as just some of the attractions at this years Halloween Horror Nights, you can purchase tickets for this amazing event at Orlando Attraction Tickets

Screams included…

