Buzz Lightyears Space Ranger Spin At Magic Kingdom Disney

Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin can be found at Disney’s Magic Kingdom in Tomorrowland and is based on a computer game shoot ’em up. 

Riders can spin their space cruisers in any direction and are rewarded for every enemy they hit, generally with a new noise or special effect. Each hit gains the user points which are tallied for a total score at the end.

Space Ranger Spin  mixes familiar copmputer gaming elements with a multi coloured physical environment to create an amazing new experience that will entertain both young and old.

Height to ride – Any height

Vehicle Capacity – 2-3

Ride Duration – 4:30

Attraction Tickets Review – Totally hated this….. ok fine! The only reason I didn’t like it was because my 5 year old beat me… ok happy now 😉