Orlando Attraction Tickets Picks Up Bronze At The British Travel Awards

Morning Thrill Seekers,

Last night in London the cream of the Travel Industry met in Londonbta-blog (2) for its Oscars, the British Travel Awards.

Here at Orlando Attraction Tickets we were delighted to be nominated within the Best Attraction Tickets Provider category but we didn’t hold out much hope of reaching the final 3 due to the shear strength of the category…

However like Rocky, Jossy’s Giants and some kind of phoenix I’m delighted to announce that we won Bronze!!!! YEY!!!!

bta awards

We are honestly delighted to have picked up bronze and I’ll be high fiving everyone I see today.

A big thank you to everyone who voted for us it really means a lot to us and we hope to continue to provide excellent service throughout 2014 and hopefully next year snatch silver??!!! We can but dream…

Smiles included…

