SeaWorld Confirm Kraken Unleashed VR Opening Date

Hey Thrill Seekers,

SeaWorld are really spoiling us today!

Another big thing for SeaWorld is the re-naming of their roller coaster ‘Kraken‘ to ‘Kraken Unleashed‘ which will debut on June 16th 2017 we already know that the new addition to the ride will include virtual reality headseats or in this case helmets. For those of you who don’t know much about virtual reality on coasters (really, where have you been?!) then here’s a fun fact for ya! The VR helmets will synchronize a video with the twists, turns and loops of the ride to enhance the experience.

Kraken originally opened on June 1st 2000 and whopping 17 years later (thank you, thank you I know my maths is great) guests will finally get to see the mighty Kraken.

These images show what kind of sea creatures and surroundings riders will find when they are immersed in the lost City of Atlantis during the ride. One of the creatures is called a Liopluredon. SeaWorld say that the unique creature was “an apex predator of the Middle to Late Jurassic seas.”

Born from tales that struck terror in sailors for centuries, SeaWorld Orlando’s mighty Kraken is a monster coaster like no other.

With the element of virtual reality, creatures such as the 21-foot Liopluredon will come to life. The already brilliant Kraken roller coaster includes a 149 foot dive, top speeds of 65 mph and 7 different times that see riders upside down. I think that the use of VR will completely change the whole experience of Kraken for the better and guests will really feel as though they are in the moment.

Kraken is a floorless coaster that see’s riders feet dangle as they are seated in open sided seats on a pedestal above the track. I think a spray of water during the ride would enhance the experience of being underwater even more. 😉

Kraken will feature custom digital overlay with uniquely designed virtual reality headsets, fully integrated both mechanically and electronically into the coaster train delivers a new one-of-a-kind adventure.’

I cannot wait for this to debut on the 16th June!

Smiles Included,


Fun Spot To Add VR To Roller Coaster

Hey Thrill Seekers,

Fun Spot Orlando are showering us with gifts this Christmas, first the announcement of the new wooden coaster at the Kissimmee location and now they’re adding virtual reality to one of their coasters at the Orlando location!

The coaster that Fun Spot are adding the VR package too is the Freedom Flyer which is a ‘family friendly, steel suspended, inverted coaster’ that consists of many twists and turns and a bucket load of G’s.


This will make Fun Spot the first park in Central Florida to have a virtual reality coaster. An official from Fun Spot has said this should be done by Christmas time! – As you probably already know in September, SeaWorld announced that they would be adding a VR aspect to Kraken so it looks like VR is going to be the next big thing!

For those of you who don’t know what Virtual Reality is then voila:

VR is the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

The new virtual reality package that has been purchased from VR Coaster and is currently being installed and tested as stated by David Hummer, the director of marketing for the attraction. He also mentioned that ‘the storylines include an overgrown city, a battle, robotic life forms and an appearance by the Freedom Flyer character, which currently can be seen atop the thrill ride.’ There will be four seats that will include the new VR aspect. Riders will be able to put on VR goggles and enter a whole new experience. – It sounds as though there will be a separate waiting line for the designated VR seats as I can imagine it to get pretty busy!


David Hummer has also announced that Fun Spot will not be raising the ticket prices for the VR enhancement which is always good news 😉

“We’re not going to increase the price. We know that, traditionally, other parks have done an add-on,” Hummer said. “We’re going to try to refrain from doing that at this point.”

Don’t forget to purchase our exclusive Fun Spot Armbands  that start from £28.00 for 2016 and from £32.00 for 2017 – It includes unlimited roller coasters, multi-level go-karts and rides for one day, one park. It can be used at either Fun Spot Orlando or Fun Spot Kissimmee.

  • Orlando Fun Spot Address – 5700 Fun Spot Way, Orlando, FL 32819
  • Kissimmee Fun Spot Address – 2850 Florida Plaza Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34746

Smiles Included,


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Kraken Set To Be The First VR Coaster In Florida

Hey Thrill Seekers,

We’re not one’s for burying the lead, so the headline pretty much says it all! Today SeaWorld Orlando will announce that their awesome coaster Kraken will become the first coaster in Florida to have a permanent virtual reality experience.

kraken VR

Scheduled for the summer of 2017 Kraken will be fitted with headsets that will plunge the rider into the depths of the sea where they will encounter mythical (obviously a Kraken) and prehistoric beasts.

Brian Morrow, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment Vice President of theme park experience design told the Orlando Sentinel;

We’re developing sort of our own technology on how we’re going to pull this off, It’s nothing that you’ve seen from other parks.

Riders will be given the option of using the headset or not, which will cover not only the visitors eyes but also their ears.  Music specially composed for the ride will accompany riders and SeaWorld hope this along with the VR experience will offer a new ride perspective. SeaWorld wouldn’t comment yet on whether the images will be 3-D.

SeaWorld will also be revealing a new night time show called Electric Ocean, which will play at the Bayside Theatre. The show will feature music, fountains, bioluminescent lighting and fireworks. They will also confirm that their Dolphin Nursery will also receive a makeover. All these changes are expected for the summer of 2107.

We’ll keep you updated if SeaWorld release anything further.

Smiles included…


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